ISO Certification in taiwan , ISO 22000 Certifications

 ISO 22000 Certification is a Food Safety Management System that can be applied to any association involved with the food supply chain, farm to fork. Getting ensured to ISO 22000 Certification permits an organization to show their clients that they have adopted norms and procedures of internationally accepted Food Safety Management System. This gives client a trust in the product. This is turning out to be increasingly significant as clients expect and demand safe and healthy hygienic food.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) built up the Food Safety Management System Certification: ISO 22000 Certification. ISO and its part nations utilized the Quality Management System approach, and custom-made it to apply to Food Safety, joining the broadly utilized and demonstrated HACCP standards and Good Manufacturing Principles (tended to by Prerequisite Programs in ISO 22000).

The standard has necessities for Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) processes and strategies, and necessitates that the association execute essential projects and HACCP.

Not at all like a portion of the other Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) Certification programs, (for instance FSSC 22000 Certification and SQF) the ISO22000 Certification doesn't have explicit necessities for essential projects (PRPs), yet necessitates that the association distinguishes and executes the proper projects. This makes it more adaptable, and food associations of any sort can actualize and get certified to ISO 22000 Certification.

Food processors and manufacturers can utilize the ISO Technical determination ISO/TS 22002-1 to build up their PRP programs. It diagrams the necessities for PRP programs that are material to these associations. The necessities sketched out are generally acknowledged and are proportional to the prerequisites in the PAS 220, the freely accessible determination utilized alongside ISO 22000 Certification for the FSSC 22000 Certification scheme.

ISO 22000 Certification is definitely not a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked standard. This implies if your client base or market is searching for a GFSI Recognized standard you should take a gander at FSSC 22000, which is the most like ISO 22000 Certification or one of the other GFSI perceived certification schemes.

What does ISO 22000 Certification require?

ISO 22000 requires that you manufacture a Food Safety Management System. This implies you will have a recorded framework set up and completely executed all through your facility that includes:

·         Effective Prerequisite Programs set up to guarantee a clean sanitary environment

·         A Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Plan created to recognize, forestall and eliminate food safety risks,

·         Established the existing food safety management system


The ISO 22000 standard contains the particular necessities for the Food Safety Management System. The standard requires sanitation the food safety management system process:

1.       Having a general Food Safety Policy for your association

2.       Setting destinations that will drive your organization's endeavors to consent to this arrangement.

3.       Planning management system and archiving the framework.

4.       Maintaining records for the exhibition of the framework.

5.       Defining correspondence methods to guarantee powerful correspondence with significant contacts outside the organization (administrative, clients, providers and others) and for viable inside correspondence.

6.       Having a crisis management plan. Defining correspondence methods to guarantee powerful correspondence with significant contacts outside the organization (administrative, clients, providers and others) and for viable inside correspondence.

7.       Holding the executives audit gatherings to assess the presentation of the FSMS.

8.       Providing satisfactory assets for the viable activity of the FSMS including suitably prepared and qualified staff, adequate framework and fitting workplace to guarantee sanitation.

9.       Implementing Prerequisite Programs.

10.   Following HACCP standards.

11.   Continuous improvement of the FSMS.

About SIS Certifications Pvt. Ltd. : - 

    SIS Certifications Pvt. Ltd. is best ISO Certification body in Taiwan. SIS Cert is providing Management System Certification services since 2004. In This duration we have certify more then 10000+ client in 35+ more different country. We offer ISO Certification in Taiwan at the best price.  We offer Management system certification, Lead auditor Training Course and Certification audit.   

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