Top - (SIX) Key Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification: EMS

ISO 14001 Certification , ISO 14001 standard

ISO 14001 Certification  is a global standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The goal of the ISO 14001 standard is to give the top management of any organization a framework for managing environmental impacts.

Like ISO 9001 Certification , ISO 14001 is a product of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 14001 is the world’s first generic, internationally recognized standard for environmental management. Of the group of ISO 14000 standards, ISO 14001 Certification is the actual standard to which companies get registered. Experts are predicting that the impacts of this dynamic standard will transcend the vast popularity of the world-renowned ISO 9000 quality standard. ISO 14001 Certification measures the conformance of an organization’s EMS to the specified requirements.

6 Key Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification

1) Improve your image and credibility
If your contracts or tenders require an ISO 14001 Certification, then this is an obvious benefit. But, even if it is not a formal requirement, very often your customers, neighbors, and the local community will be interested in how you care for the environment around you. Increasingly, consumers are concerned about the environmental practices of the companies that produce the products they use.

2) Help you comply with legal requirements
One of the most important benefits that can be derived from implementing ISO 14001 Certification is to provide you with a framework for identifying, monitoring and complying with the various environmental requirements that apply to your processes. Of course you try to follow all applicable laws before implementing an environmental management system, but the system itself can aid in maintaining your compliance.

3) Improvement in cost control
All companies want to reduce costs – this is a fact of life in today’s world economy – but you may wonder how an environmental management system can help with cost control. The first way that this can happen is by using your system to identify, control, and reduce the number of environmental incidents that occur, which can cost your company through liability costs of fines, cleanup, and reparations.

4) Higher rate of success when implementing changes
When you are trying to make the improvements outlined above, it is important to ensure you are working with good, accurate data, which is a key element of the ISO 14001 standard. When putting these improvement activities in place, you can greatly increase the chances that you will be successful the first time by tracking the improvement through good data collection

5) Enable quicker improvement of processes
The element of continual improvement that is integral to the ISO 14001 Certification requirements can be used to help your organization to move from small improvements toward greater enhancements to your organizational processes.

6) Reduce employee turnover


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